Saturday 19 November 2016

la rêverie #1

This video had my brain swirling around and around. It’s such a beautiful song, and the cinematography really captures the feeling.

It’s that feeling where your head is spinning and it feels like you’re swimming underwater, except it’s a feeling and you know it’s all in your head. That the ocean is all in your head. And it’s a funny thought because the ocean is masses and masses of water, with depths untouched and undiscovered. It’s deep dark below-ground heaven that we can prove exists… and it’s all in my head and my brain is drowning in it. I'm imagining that feeling where your eyes are dazed and your hands, as they glide – unsteady – through the air, look as if they’re making ripples in some invisible body of water. Oh, and the legs, two legs to be exact, wobbly because the blood that runs from head-to-toe is groggy blood (too little oxygen or too much oxygen?) and the ground feels uneven, like when you let the laughter of your friends carry you from the shallow end of the pool to the deep end of the pool. That deep deep deep end. The one where if you pull yourself underwater, you can see legs scrabbling about trying to keep afloat; the individualistic doggy paddle where bodies imitate differently the actions of the swimming instructor.

Watch the video!!

My next blog post will be the second part of "Daydreaming". It's a creative writing piece, kind of a reflection type prose. Anyway, look forward to that!!  

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